Friday, December 27, 2013

2014 Life List

most of the items i listed during my birthday this year are still, well, on the list.  i might as well include them for my list for the new year.

  1. learn how to swim (ongoing lessons, yay!)
  2. save
  3. travel to 3 new places
  4. reach ideal body weight and maintain it thereafter
  5. be an expert in ecg reading
  6. celebrate my birthday in a different country where i will live
  7. sleep 7-8 hours/ day
  8. write
  9. read 10 books (at least)
  10. be the person who i want to meet
  11. meet my life partner
  12. watch a concert
  13. whine no more
  14. expect less
  15. talk to friends regularly
  16. smile a lot
  17. go home with the family with every chance that i have
  18. clean the room regularly
  19. throw the thrash
  20. practice yoga.  or just sun salutations at least
that's all.

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