Sunday, October 4, 2015

This is Happiness

this post was supposed to be written during my birthday.  however, life has been treating me really well so i did not have the time to do it.  i just turned thirty last september 28.  never in my life did i celebrate my birthday in a big way.  i had friends visiting and i had to prepare a big dinner with the help of my housemates/ friends.

at the comfort of my room, i look back to the blessings i have been given up to this point in my life...

1.) reaching the big 30- i just had to celebrate it.  i feel that it is a good age to be at.

2.) got my PIN- i am now a registered nurse here! yay!  i have my own patients now.

3.) new friends- i think i am getting better at this.

4.) lovely workmates!

5.) opportunity to be at a hillsong church!

6.) my travel to different places!

windsor castle


roman baths at bath



7.) me getting fitter and stronger! been going to the gym for five months now.  i see some progress.  small ones but significant one.

8.) personal life is alright.  me on the process of exploring. ;-)

9.) this: a very good friend.

10.) just the chance to be here.  to be able to work and make progress with living.  i may be far from my family but i know it is only in distance but not in love.

i have a lot to thank for.  a single post is not enough but i will try to fill in more.  

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