Monday, August 4, 2008

Carwash for God

I made this decision today: Carwash as my ministry!

When we moved from another town to another, it was the end. This marked the end of my active participation in our church and to some extent, to the community where I belong. Of course, I was always busy with school. Most of the time, my efforts are all used for school leaving me no chance to go out of our house and get my self working with other youth or kids from our church or our place.

In high school, I was an active member of a certain organization that was doing work for the church, our school and the community nearby. I also became part of our school paper- The Mirror of which I found more meaning in my relationship with the people there especially with our moderator- Mam Helen. There was meaning for my life as a high school student and my experiences have changed me tremendously in ways that are far more beneficial than I thought.

Having finished high school and having to go to college, I said to myself that I will just focus myself on my studies. I said that I had to be serious but this, I believed was a mistake to some point but at least, I finished college on top of my class. Nevertheless, I miss being busy now that most of the time, I do nothing.

Now what about the carwash as my ministry? It is because going to church; we found out that we had visitors. They were not just visitors from nearby towns or wherever but they came from all over the Philippines! They came from all over the country to attend a certain gathering for young people that was held at our church. To this, my grandmother had extended her home to a youth for her to have a place to stay. She came all the way from Isabela and had no idea how to go about the quite remote place of ours. All she had was courage and a map that somehow, she'll reach the place with God's grace. Gee, that was amazing! In my case of having to go to an unfamiliar place, say like going to a certain place in Pasig, I text all my friends just to have directions and guides but she just had to trust God and her self to reach our place. I am just in awe with how these young people are committed to God.

Embarrassed and somehow challenged, I questioned myself about what can I offer to God. He has blessed me with a lot of talents but somehow, I know I am just wasting them and so I had to commit myself to something that I can offer to God. But why carwash? It is because being the only guy left in the house, I am the tasked one to do the job and since I know basic driving skills (quite embarrassing huh?), it was just necessary.

No one should ever look down to us young people. Our age doesn't automatically say that we can do nothing. We offer inspiration and new ideas. I believe that whatever you do, you should do it for the glory of God. Cooking, drawing, singing, driving or just washing our car should all be expressions of our gratitude to God for without Him, we cannot accomplish a thing in our lives. This I say should be my motto from now on knowing that I am serving my King and He should deserve all the best that I can give.

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