Tuesday, June 1, 2010

6. Bon Appetit

in between my search for something that i can call a profession and trying to be okay with everything that is going on with my life, i have loaded myself with films to watch and t.v. series to enjoy.

i finished julie and julia plus bridges of madison county. what is common is that both films featured meryl streep so it has become clear to me now why an oscar for her is long overdue.

moving on, julie and julia has certainly captured those emotions that have been ruling my life these past few months. for julie to say that she has to accomplish something, i felt myself saying that line. i had a lot of attempts to occupy and further enrich myself. honestly, i have been failing and i felt sick. so like julie, i will try to accomplish something while trying to forget somehow that i am a nurse. i have done a lot and will wait if my efforts have produced something.

i may have to work on the recipe of my life right now so bon appetit to working it out.

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