Friday, December 31, 2010


i'd like to begin this post with my facebook status:

"Bad year? Not even close. With last night's affair with high school friends, new work, good health and God's unfailing love, every year gets better!"

2010 is about to end. with it, i am sending all my heartaches, worries and insecurities so all the goodness life has to offer will come rushing in. so here i am, trying to look back on the year that was...


the year started on a positive note. until on the third day, i got drunk. i smoked. and to top it all, my favorite players lost their important matches. there's rafa, roddick and the feu women's volleyball team. i was being impatient with my work in the u.k.

until i shaved my head.


still crazy for u.k. people at home going nuts over what has to be done. former housemates not responding to any message i sent for the arrangement of my documents...

not really a nice month i guess but i did try to learn new things like spanish. photo taken here.

documents and documents. waiting and waiting. delay and another delay. i had them all for the chance to work in the u.k. i had problems and i knew that it was going to be hard for me to get there. so while waiting, i watched this...

i did not go to u.k. i was left here in the philippines. a neighbor became sick and i helped her get better. rafa won a freaking tennis tournament after almost a year of not winning any! made myself busy by helping other people upgrade their resume. i learned from sheng about trusting God's plan and timing... i waited for the time to take my bite like him...

karen left for singapore. dad was still trying to work things out so i can go to u.k. i was depressed. stressed of thinking how to solve my problem with regards to work documents for u.k. i complained about nurses being exploited here in the country and why i will never work here. i wanted to go to isabela. here...

i backslided with my faith after i knew finally, that i was not going to u.k. my search for meaning, for reasons continued. jonah's uncle provided some guidance. i was thankful for friends who stood with me during these times...

benj left for singapore as well. little by little, i have accepted the fact that u.k. was not for me. i started to look for work even if it looked hopeless. i attended the training for red cross. spain won at the world cup! i had hope for better things. i got some inspiration from spain and from my friends...

i got new job! yay! though it was not a regular nursing job, i was just happy to be working. pau from trinidad and tobaggo went home and had a reunion with my a23 tropa! august was like the new year. a lot of fresh starts and blessed events. and i had closure with the u.k. offer.

my birthday came! i celebrated it with officemates and it was a fun-filled day... except for the office monster!

i felt their disappointment. the frustration and finally, the desparation. i understood them. we were running out of finances to meet the needs of the family. i met nam and rian! internet celebrities! haha. they both deserve separate entries on this blog...

we moved to a new room. it was better. i was attending a new church. it was refreshing. more than being blessed. depression still occupied some space in my life. i was in a situation wherein i wanted to do more but could not. but there was victory in this toil...

the last month of the year. but was the reminder that i was indeed a blessed one after all. though work seemed to reach its saturation point, i was grateful since i was able to give more. friends were again reminders of how fortunate i am in this world. the family seems to be more accepting of life's offerings for us. my sister received her visa. then last night's affair.

to you 2010:
thank you. i had the extremes of life. success and failure. happiness and desolation. solitude and friendship. dreams and realities of life. hope and despair. good times and bad times.

i was made to be a stronger person. more open. more forgiving of my shortcomings. more affectionate towards people and to myself. i became closer to God. i rediscovered friendships. met old friends and had some friends leave me here in the philippines.

i learned a lot. i will still learn more this coming year. and i guess, there is no good year or bad year.

only a year well-spent. goodbye 2010 and welcome 2011!

cheers! to life. to success. to good health. to renewed faith. to contentment. to happiness.

happy new year!

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