Monday, July 21, 2008

My Prayer


I know that I don't have to question You on what You want for my life for eveything is under Your control. You are my Father and with that knowledge, there is no reason for me to doubt Your capabilities. But God, my imperfection and frailty as a human are taking their toll on me.

Forgive me Father for I know I should be more trusting and faithful to You. With You by my side, all is perfect in Your plans and timing. Again, forgive me Father.

As my Lord and Savior, I know that You never fail to bless us. Thank You for You have continually blessed our family with abundance that is immeasurable in human terms. Thank You for keeping us safe and healthy. Thank You for giving us the chance to feel Your majesty with all of Your creations.

Thank You Lord for You are so patient with me. I have failed You so many times. I keep on stumbling with my faith but Your embrace and voice just keeps me alive. Thank You Lord that even though I am not feeling well right now, You are there to be with me, to take my pain and comfort me. You know that I have been restless and anxious the past few days and somehow, I always fail to keep my promise to never doubt You. But then, thank You still for I know You never fail. Thank You for Your plans are better than my plans and Your time is always perfect. Thank You for You never grant the immaturity of my wishes. Thank You for You always know what is best for me and my family.

Lord, I just pray that You continue to bless my family, relatives and friends safety, peace and good health. I know that much of what we pray for You are based on how we view life and so help us to view life as You would want us to.

Give me strength Father, for I am about to give up and break down. Mold me O Lord and make me. I sincerely ask for Your guidance and total control of my life. I pray that I may never lose hope and sight in Your plans for me.

I pray O Lord to continue Your lordship on me. Thank You O Lord. I pray all of these to my one and only Savior and friend, Jesus. Amen

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